An active lifestyle has positive effects on your physical and mental well-being. You don’t have to push yourself to your physical limit: just schedule time for exercise regularly and commit to it.
To make it easier for you to turn exercising into a routine, here are 10 benefits of an active lifestyle.
Physical activity: 5 benefits for a better lifestyle
1. Reduce health risks
An active lifestyle can help reduce the risk of certain diseases like diabetes or heart and circulatory problems.
2. Is good for the brain
Psychiatrists and psychologists have long advised people to exercise to prevent and treat depression. Physical activity has a positive effect on the brain as it releases hormones that activate the growth of brain cells. It also optimises blood flow to the brain. As more oxygen reaches the brain, the hippocampus increases memory capacity. Exercise also slows down brain aging reducing the risk of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and mental disorders.
3. Helps to achieve a constant feel-good weight
No healthy weight loss is possible without exercise: this is what experts say. As part of everyday life, physical activity makes it easier to reduce body weight and maintain your desired weight. This is not only due to increased calorie consumption but also to a more active metabolism. Goodbye, yo-yo effect!Health, fitness and sports concept. Plus size young brunette woman doing plank exercise on mat in cozy bedroom interior, going to loose extra pounds, become strong and fit, training endurance
4. Keeps bones and muscles healthy
With regular training, you strengthen your muscles and bones. An active musculoskeletal system with healthy muscles, tendons, and fasciae improve your balance giving your body stability and reducing the tendency to get injured. With stronger muscles, practicing activities like climbing stairs, carrying heavy shopping bags, and playing with your children becomes easier. Don’t be afraid that actively building muscles will soon make you look like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime: it won’t. The physique of a bodybuilder requires much more than just regular strength training!
5. It reduces (some) physical pain
Chronic back pain can be reduced through targeted physical exercise.
Consult a physiotherapist to receive a list of the correct exercises to practice at home or outdoors. The training mustn’t exacerbate the pain: discuss the type of movement with an expert.